Sunday, July 20, 2008

It is approximately 10:22p at home. Here in Indiana it is 1:22a. 
The adventure was more than tiresome. 
We first got to LAX in perfect time, despite having left later than anticipated, and got our boarding pass after a terribly unnecessary wait. I barely made the maximum weight limit, hitting 46ish pounds.I then embarked on my anxiety attack train and attempted to keep up with Joe and Faith as they led me through the numerous paths that eventually led to the fateful metal detector. Much to my surprise it didn't hurt one bit, and I experienced the airport floor without shoes. That was special. We then took a break so that Joe could enjoy his nostalgic moment with his lunchables and we eventually boarded the plane. As a result of an adrenaline related attempt to calm my nerves I bit down forcefully on my wallet to find that it didn't help. I then got the seat away from behind Faith and Joe and was accompanied by some creeper with giant rings, a skull tattoo on the back of his bald head, and a strange habit of staring at me the entire flight. 
I came to find that the worst part of a flight is not the fear of lift off or even the dreadful time in the air, but the time we land. It is as though one is hitting the break and is risking hitting the car in front of them. It was gruesome. 
From there we got to bar hop, learn conveyer belt etiquette, play a tram game, and enjoy a hearty McDonald's breakfast. We boarded a smaller plane not much later and continued on from Detroit to Indianapolis. After what seemed only moments we landed and retrieved our luggage. We continued to the check in for our limo and came to realize that we would be traveling with a number of other ILead attendants. It was pretty neat. We got a chance to meet and mingle with others who were being forced to endure this conference. 
After passing several corn fields and questionably alienated massage parlors we arrived at the Indiana University, Bloomington. We were greeted by a number of yelling staff members and were escorted to our rooms where we learned the true appreciation of air conditioning. It was mid morning and already 89+ degrees. After several icebreakers, name games, and group separations, we got a chance to eat. I found that it was more pleasant than I had expected it would be and realized my resentment was a result of a sleepless night or two and lack of sustenance. 
We later continued our discussions on various leadership related topics. Our group was lucky enough to get the "evening news"" duty and came up with an amazingly hilarious skit which inadvertently made us all closer and got a good amount of laughs. I then learned that sandwiches, pizzas, and chinese food can be delivered here at most hours of the day. I am sure this week will be turning up more and more as the days go on. I thought you'd appreciate a detailed update since Indiana is the hotspot for all the parties this year. 

Enjoy. I know I am?


Kamisaurus said...

Sounds like Indiana is the new black.

See if they deliver Mexican food, god knows going a week without Mexican food is like a week without water.

melyssa ann said...

Hahaha. What's funny is there was Mexican food for dinner tonight. And I found out we can get delivery here. Sandwiches, pizza, and chinese food. It sounds legit, but one person can't honestly stomach three square meals and then some take out every day. So I'm saving my gluttony for one day.

We'll see how that goes.