Saturday, July 19, 2008

Start Time: 5:38a

I would like to begin with a warning:
I have yet to sleep and am quite nervous about flying for the first time in my entire nineteen years. 

For those who know me, I often write any and all random thoughts in an attempt to waste time, but I think I should get some facts about myself down first. So, ladies and gentlemen, here is the beginning of what should be a fascinating lesson. Also, this is a fad that I seem to be giving into, so I hope this post proves fascinating enough. Here it goes...

I am always nervous.
I curl my toes because I was once told it was cute. It stuck.
I never wear matching socks.
I am allergic to dairy, bees, many soaps and lotions, perfume, and various other life necessities.
I went through a stage wear I only wore hooded sweatshirts and jeans.
I have a very large head, literally. A hat is rarely made that can embrace it entirely.
I love to peel my nails.
I have quit peeling my nails.
If I could spend every moment in silence I would, if only to fully take in everything around me.
I could use more hypo-allergenic lotion in my life.
I like to sing more than people like to hear me sing.
I am to optimism as eyeliner is to the emo.
I aspire to be a psychologist.
I have been involved in 3+ fist fights.
I can make myself cry.
I care about what others think of me.
I once wrote an entire paper on broccoli.
Sometimes I wonder if my shoulder was ever really that injured, or if my surgeon simply wanted money.
I have learned never to hate, but simply to turn the other way.
I have never kept a best friend for more than 2 years.
I know a person's insecurities simply by looking at them.
I used to be the Grace to somebody's Will.
I question my religion a lot more lately than ever before.
I was born at Pointe Memorial Hospital in San Diego.
If I could move to San Diego right now, I would.
I love riding in trains.
I don't care for my things as I should because I know they can be replaced.
I can be a bit of a hypochondriac.
I never liked highschool.
I wish I knew more...about anything.
I come off as eager but I am simply excited to still be breathing.
My mother is like me but shorter and more excited about life.
I have no money.
My least favorite part of drawing/sketching/painting is having to finish it...I feel like it ruins it.
I am entirely too insecure.
I have a deep love for Billie Holiday.
I fear the day that I cannot say "when I grow up..."
I want three more tattoos. 
I have always thought that one day I would become a famous performer.
I resent my childhood.
My favorite color is purple. Sometimes.
If I could be any animal I'd be a turtle.
I stereotype all hospital employees as characters from Scrubs.
I wish I spoke Spanish better.
My mom made me a baby blanket when I was 14.
I don't remember what happened yesterday.
I am in a constant "honeymoon period" until I am forced to see your imperfections.
I have a half sister named Samantha Rose Perchez and a half brother named Caleb Curtis DelaCruz.
I have a grandma who believes in ghosts and tattoos her eyebrows.
My mom almost named me Candy Dulce. Aka I was almost a stripper.
I miss random people.
I dislike people for random reasons.
I like to speak with random strangers.
I have never broken a bone.
I can't touch my tongue to my nose.
I hate the smell of spit.
I could live on Chipotle rice.
I am Hawaiian but have never been there.
My family is famous in Norway (look up Bergie Bergeson, he is my greatx4 grandfather)
I am Mexican, Filipino, Norweigen, Hawaiian, and Scottish.
Chicano Studies made me resent America...a lot.
I become socially awkward around socially awkward people.
I have a list of Things to Do Before I'm 30.
My first love was named Knoxx but he moved to Canada when we were 8. 
I have more relatives than the number of citizens in many U.S. towns. 
I don't particularly enjoy bands whose lead singers have whiney voices.
I like drive-ins.
I like broccoli.
I wish I had more opportunities to write in an artistic sense.
I can't wait to succeed.
I have given myself no choice but to attain every goal I set for myself.
I just can't wait to live.
I have no regrets.
I am finally who I have wanted to be for a long time.
I love until I am given a reason to feel otherwise.
I am ready.


kelfan7 said...


Kamisaurus said...

I feel like I just read an entire Postsecret book sans postcards, and I love it.

samantha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
samantha said...

hey sister itsa me ur sister i just wanted to say hi and tell u that mom read this and now shes out to get u! have a good time at ur confrince!